Thursday, April 11, 2013

Breaking News on Emperor Qin

Emperor Qin has just unified and Centralized China

By Sarah G.- Staff Writer


As the first Emperor of China, Emperor Qin was the first to reunite China. Before becoming emperor he was ruling the state Qin during the Warring States Period occurring in 476 BC-221 BC.  The state of Qin was working on expanding. As a result Qin conquered the states around his state during 320 BC-221 BC. Han, Zhao, Wei, Yan, Chu and Qi were the six states that he conquered. His plan though was not to capture and destroy the other states. Instead he wanted to bring all the states together and create peace. When he conquered all the states he was able to stop all the commotion that was caused by the wars that lasted over 500 years.

      Qin then started the unification and centralization of China. Qin took control and contributed to the reforming of China. Improvements were made in the economy, politics, military affairs, and culture. He made it so that he was the only ruler over everyone. Qin restructured and reorganized so that everything was to his standards. He also made it so that only one coin was used and he standarized weights and measures. This made it so that everyone had to follow the same rules. Qin felt that building projects and farming works were important. He was the one who ordered the Great Wall of China to be built. This helped to protect his empire. Emperor Qin made his empire the way he felt was necessary in order to keep China unified and centralized.

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