Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is hurting the people

 Sarah G.-Staff Writer

The Great Wall of China was ordered to be built by Emperor Qin of the Qin Dynasty. Emperor Qin was trying to help protect the empire which is why he began building a wall surrounding the empire. However, Emperor Qin did not physically put the work into building the wall. Instead, his people had the tough labor of building the wall. Building The Great Wall of China was harsh and ended up taking part in the falling of the Qin Dynasty. The Great Wall of China is the longest structure ever made by man. The wall is around 6,000-kilometers-long. Walls that long do not take a few days to build. Walls 6,000-kilometers long take time and much effort to construct the finished project. The work load did not sit well with the people of the Qin Dynasty.

The Great Wall was built by the people who disobeyed Qin’s rules. His punishment for them was to help build the wall. Building the wall was a tiring and tough job. By Emperor Qin making them work on the wall, he was also making more people not like him. It was unfair for the workers to put in all the effort while Qin just watched and supervised the project. The labor had a negative effect on people. They began not liking Qin as emperor. Emperor Qin was actually hurting his empire by building the wall more so than helping it because he put so much people through pain. The Great Wall of China helped to protect the people of China, but the actual building of the wall caused a lot of damage to the people.

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